Why and when to use forEach, map, filter, reduce, and find in JavaScript.

Jeff Longbeard
3 min readApr 9, 2017


Many posts discuss how to use .forEach(), .map(), .filter(), .reduce() and .find() on arrays in JavaScript. I thought it would be useful to provide an explanation of when to use the common array methods.

.map(), .filter(), .reduce() and .find() all behave very similarly to .forEach() so for now lets just focus on the latter.

What is forEach? A way to work with items in an array.

If you’re not familiar with the array method .forEach(), whenever you go to iterate over an array you probably immediately think of a for loop.

The .forEach() method is just a different way of doing this. The following two code examples effectively accomplish the same thing:

for loop

var array = [1,2,3];for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){


var array = [1,2,3];array.forEach(function(i){

There are however some subtle differences that can have a big impact on your code.

Why forEach? Ease of Use and Readability.

To me, the most compelling case for using .forEach() in favor of a for loop is that it’s easier. Even though it’s the same number of lines, there’s less setup. With a regular for loop you have three steps:

  1. Define an iterator value: var i = 0;
  2. Define an end point: i < array.length;
  3. Tell how the loop how should iterate: i++;

With .forEach() you simply pass a function that is executed on each element in the array.

Why forEach? Scope.

If the fact that it’s easier, isn’t enough for you… there is also a technical reason to use .forEach() in favor of for loops. It has to do with the scoping of the code.

When using the .forEach() you pass an individual function with it’s own scope. In a for loop you’re polluting whatever scope you place the loop in. Most, if not all, of the time, this is a bad thing.

When to use forEach?

.forEach() is great you need to execute a function for each individual element in an array. Good practice is that you should use .forEach() when you can’t use other array methods to accomplish your goal. I know this may sound vague, but .forEach() is a generic tool… only use it when you can’t use a more specialized tool.

When to use map?

.map() when you want to transform elements in an array.

When to use filter?

.filter() when you want to select a subset of multiple elements from an array.

When to use find?

.find() When you want to select a single element from an array.

When to use reduce?

.reduce() when you want derive a single value from multiple elements in an array.

Quirks and Criticisms

forEach returns undefined.

If you’re transforming the entirety of the array, you’ll probably want to use .map() instead. .map() actually returns an array which is useful, because you can chain other array methods.


const arr = [1,2,3];const transformedArr = arr.map(function(){}).filter(function(){});

A word about speed.

One of the biggest criticisms of .forEach() is the speed of the operation.

In reality, you shouldn’t be using .forEach() unless other methods such as .map() can’t do the trick. .map() is actually slightly faster than .forEach().

Admittedly, .forEach() and .map() are still slower than a vanilla for loop. But judging a method solely based on execution speed is tunnel-visioned. This argument completely ignores readability and scope.

The key takeaway here is don’t use for loops because you think they are faster, use them when you know you need to.

Learn How

Shoutout to Andrew Hedges for catching mistakes and offering suggestions!

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